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HERS Process:

How to Register your Project

Must Do's:


  1. Register your Company (energy analyst, architect, builder, installer) with CalCerts (go to

  2. Have your architect and or energy consultant register the CF1R with CalCerts

  3. Have the registrant of the CF1R invite CPG Consultants as the Rater of record for the projecct

  4. Have your installer complete and register the CF2R (installation certificate for system installed)

  5. Follow the step by step process below to register the process and for CPG to perform your HERS test(s).


Where To Start


Does your project need to provide HERS documentation? See below on the steps to begin the HERS Rating process.  


Step One: Create an account


To create any documentation you will need to have an account with a HERS provider such as CalCerts.  CPG is currently registered with CalCERTS as a HERS rater. Our CalCerts Rater ID is CC2006504.


If you do not have an account with CalCERTS, you will need to create one (creating an account is free and should take a few minutes).  You will need your company information to complete the application process (Address, Contractor License number, e.g.).  Click here to go to CalCERTS to create your account.


After your account is created, you may give signature authority to CPG Consultants to complete your compliance documentation on your behalf.  Call CPG Consultants to discuss simultaneous testing and compliance documentation registration.  Note that after July 1st, 2014, HERS raters will no longer be able to enter information into the HERS registry on a contractors behalf.  


Step Two: Create project and agree to comply with Title 24


Once you have created your account and received your log-in information from CalCERTS, you will need to create your job in the CalCERTS registry.  Creating your job in the registry essentially is a declaration that the work which is going to be performed will be in compliance with Title 24.  Once logged into your account on the CalCERTS website, you will need to create the project by clicking the projects tab on the left side of the screen, then the Alterations-Residential tab or the New Construction tab.  On the Alterations-Residential or New Construction page click the green plus button by the correct year standards and enter the job information in as required. 


Once all the job information has been entered, an unofficial CF-1R will be created with the required HERS testing listed on the CF-1R from the CalCerts website.  This is what is required by Title 24 to pull the permit from the local jurisdiction to perform the work.  Many times the local jurisdiction does not require the proper paperwork when issuing the permit. Even if the local jurisdiction issues the permit without requiring the registered compliance documentation, it will still be required before HERS documentation can be produced.


Now that the initial compliance documentation has been created on the HERS providers web site, the required testing will be listed on the CF-1R as on the screen print above. 


If HERS testing is required then you may assign a HERS rater to the project you have just created through the project web page.


Step Three: Pull the permit


Now that you have created the unofficial CF-1R-HVAC-ALT, you can print it out and take it to the building department to request a permit.  You will not be able to proceed any further with the project in the HERS registry until a permit number, permit date and jurisdiction has been updated.  Once this information has been updated in the registry, the CF-1R becomes official.


Step Four: Perform the installation and commission system


The work is now performed with close attention being paid to the items which will be inspected or tested.  After the work has been completed, there are two options to finish out the compliance documentation.  Every alteration or new system (new duct work, new furnance, condenser) installed requires an installation certificate from the installing contractor.




If the installing contractor possess the required test equipment then they will test their own installation and enter the test results into the HERS registry. Once their test results have been recorded, the HERS rater comes back out to the home and repeats the tests to verify the information entered by the installing contractor.


Step Five: HERS Rater verifies compliance


Very few contractors own or have access to the diagnostic test equipment required to properly test an HVAC installation for Title 24 compliance.  Because of this fact the practice of simultaneous testing is allowed.  Simultaneous testing is where the HERS rater performs the testing and the same test results are used for both the installation certificate for the contractor and on the field verification by the HERS rater.  Once the HERS rater has completed their data collection and the test results are with in the compliance margin, the system is considered to have passed and is ready for final inspection by the local jurisdiction.

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